Monday, March 17, 2008

Tow job

I mentioned this in an earlier blog but I'll mention it again as I think it is important and a great value. Get a towing option for your bike this year. I know there are several different ones out there and some of you may be covered by your car insurance or AAA.

If you are a member of AMA (and why wouldn't you be?) the cost for MoTow is $25/year. Short money for peace of mind. Yes, I got responses back from several who have, or think they have, better policies. Great. Good. As long as you have one.

I don't anticipate any problems on the way to Sturgis this year but I DO plan to anticipate them (all) in advance. Good planning = POM (peace of mind).

And I promise not to go all "hinky" on my riding partners but rather to "go with the flow", as long as the flow is @ 80 MPH.

The new issue (April) of the AMA mag The American Motorcyclist arrived today with 99 riding tips. Can't wait to devour this issue. Get your own free subscription (and that membership) at

This weeks rain will devour the snow. A rider was spotted in Milford this weekend. Was it you?

A low, slow wave,

Joe Rocket

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