Truth be told, I've ALWAYS been a car guy, but my passion for riding is far greater than any joy one can get from driving a car. But, after 40 years of working, a couple of really good commission checks and an understanding wife, I just bought a very special car.
After a particularly hot summer ride, fraught with too many stops and too much traffic, Ms. Rocket declared that her love of riding was over. This wasn't the first time she thought she was through, so I wasn't particularly upset, just accepting of her decision. I told her that we would put her gently used bike up for sale in the spring, and not to worry, I would handle it all. Her next question caught me off guard though.
With my BMW S1000R barely a year old yet, she said, "What are you going to buy, so we can go two-up?" I was like, "Huh?" Her assumption was that I'd sell my Dark Knight for a couples bike. Okay, I'm game. Let's go shopping.
Folks, I tried, I really tried. Fortunately, I had a partner in crime, good friend and riding buddy Kenny B., whose faithful H-D Road King had seen too many roads. His bike was up for sale and he was ready to buy new. So we shopped. We looked at EVERYTHING, from every manufacturer. For 4 weeks, every chance we got, we looked, rode and touched everything on the market. Some were good, some not so. We really like what Triumph has been doing, with their stylish, smaller bikes. Ken is no giant and, as he enters the later stage of his riding career, he knew a smaller bike was his answer. Me, I seemed to be going in the wrong direction.
I rode bigger and bigger bikes, in the hopes of finding 2-wheeled marital bliss. Finally, after our second test ride two-up, on a behemoth BMW Mottarad K1600 GT, perhaps the zenith of all things motorcycle touring, I announced "Not doing it". See, it is easy to put myself in harm's way, ride like an idiot, and suppress my fears of my wife getting hurt riding her own bike. It is quite another for me to take on all of the responsibility for her safety, as we get older and more brittle. With what BMW is asking for that lovely appliance, I thought, "Hell, I can get a new Miata for that!"
Last fall, Ms. Rocket and I took a test drive in a new 2016 MX-5 Miata. We loved it. It has motorcycle-like acceleration, great, quick handling and a sporty exhaust note. I knew I wanted a loaded Grand Tour, with all the buttons and bells, but wasn't in any hurry to make a purchase, and leave my daily driver out in the snow and ice. The salesman was in tune with me, got it, and didn't push. Who the hell buys a new Miata at the end of the year?
But he stayed in touch, as they do, with emails about all the other cars I don't give a rat's ass about. Mazda Vans and 3's. Cute, but not for me. And then one day an email mentioned a special 2017 car they had, a Launch Edition MX-5 RF. If you don't know this car, it is the Retractable Fastback, new for 2017. While Mazda had success with the hardtop convertible in the past, this was a new design, revolutionary really, that caught the automotive press unprepared and clamoring.
The deal with the Launch Edition (according to the Mazda people), you had to have owned at least 2 Miatas in order to qualify for ordering 1 of 1,000 units being delivered to the US Market. How was this dealer selling one at all? They sold out in like 14 minutes.
Seems that these cars arrived early, in the dead of winter and, like so many of us, there was no room at the inn, for this particular buyer. We traveled an hour to see it in person and fell in love. The cost was more for the hardtop, there was no wiggle room, and I knew that this was a serendipitous moment. After thinking about it for a whole 4 hours, we pulled the trigger.
So, I have another toy, one that we can romance into the sunset together in. Our weekends will soon be booked with romantic getaways, as far down some twisty roads as we can get. Perhaps her most endearing quality, after her warm heart, is her willingness for a good road trip. My traveling companion now can ride in comfort, safely wrapped in terracotta-colored Napa leather.
If you see a crusty old fart, driving down the road with a gal who looks too pretty for him, say hello to us. Or, if you prefer, just drop us...
A low, slow wave (I'll be sure to return it),
Joe Rocket
A New Motorcycle for (BEYOND) Sturgis
A short discussion about motorcycling, rider friends, motorcycle gear and trip planning. Sturgis has long since passed, but the gear evaluations, bike mods and rides continue. Join me as I slide into the second half of my riding experience.
Thursday, February 2, 2017
Sunday, June 5, 2016
A brisk, seacoast romp (including seafood, big waves and a couple of close calls...)
We had a heck of a day, overall, yesterday. 4 of us blasted off mid-morning, with Rye, NH as our only destination. It was sunny and warm here, in southern NH. As we headed east, the temps dropped as we neared the coast. Still, the day was full of promise, as we passed downtown Rye in favor of the beach road (1-A). After an hour's ride, we made our first stop, where we watch large rollers crash the shoreline, thanks to the tide being high.

After a short stay, standing there marveling at the beautiful scenery, we were reminded of lunch, and quickly decided on a waterfront spot that two of us had visited, nearly 15 years ago. A long-forgotten gem, we were there, thanks to my new TomTom Rider GPS, in only 10 minutes. We almost beat the lunch rush completely, but were held up by a group of 16 arriving from a wake. Out of deference to their situation, we nervously waited, as more people arrived. Finally, a friendly face caught my eye and we were escorted to the outdoor waterfront deck.
The view was great, the service was fast and friendly and the food was excellent. Here was our tableside view:

We ate quickly, as the bodies standing around seemed to pile up. Ms. Rocket was starting to burn anyway, in the strong Spring sunshine.
We took as different route home, as the seashore was now socked in with thick fog. We made short work the winding roads en route to the highway.
With biker friends on their way for dinner, we blasted home at a high rate of speed, keeping all riders in the rear view. There were the usual, inconsiderate cagers and only after dinner did I learn about a close call with a car on an off-ramp. To my knowledge, no car got near me, but BMW Jay said otherwise.
So, it's still early in the season and, despite New Hampshire's No Cellphone While Driving law being in effect for a year now, I still see asshats using their phones and other distracted driving. I guess that THEY are more important than US, and the rules don't apply. Hmm.
Be very careful out there. Two riders were killed in racing incidents this weekend, MotoGP and the Isle of Man TT. Professionals, yes, but riders nonetheless. The summer traffic, the texting drivers and the general increase in traffic volume all add to the risk.
I hope to see you out there soon. Keep your rubbers down.
A low, slow wave,
Joe Rocket

After a short stay, standing there marveling at the beautiful scenery, we were reminded of lunch, and quickly decided on a waterfront spot that two of us had visited, nearly 15 years ago. A long-forgotten gem, we were there, thanks to my new TomTom Rider GPS, in only 10 minutes. We almost beat the lunch rush completely, but were held up by a group of 16 arriving from a wake. Out of deference to their situation, we nervously waited, as more people arrived. Finally, a friendly face caught my eye and we were escorted to the outdoor waterfront deck.
The view was great, the service was fast and friendly and the food was excellent. Here was our tableside view:
We ate quickly, as the bodies standing around seemed to pile up. Ms. Rocket was starting to burn anyway, in the strong Spring sunshine.
We took as different route home, as the seashore was now socked in with thick fog. We made short work the winding roads en route to the highway.
With biker friends on their way for dinner, we blasted home at a high rate of speed, keeping all riders in the rear view. There were the usual, inconsiderate cagers and only after dinner did I learn about a close call with a car on an off-ramp. To my knowledge, no car got near me, but BMW Jay said otherwise.
So, it's still early in the season and, despite New Hampshire's No Cellphone While Driving law being in effect for a year now, I still see asshats using their phones and other distracted driving. I guess that THEY are more important than US, and the rules don't apply. Hmm.
Be very careful out there. Two riders were killed in racing incidents this weekend, MotoGP and the Isle of Man TT. Professionals, yes, but riders nonetheless. The summer traffic, the texting drivers and the general increase in traffic volume all add to the risk.
I hope to see you out there soon. Keep your rubbers down.
A low, slow wave,
Joe Rocket
Monday, November 16, 2015
End of Season 2015
This time of year always put me in a bit of a funk. The days get colder and darker, the wind whips up. Just having the dark shield on my Arai makes the prospect of a later-in-the-day ride a concern. The stake to the heart is the time change. Once the day starts getting dark (and chill) by 4:30, I'm done. We eked out a few later season rides, thanks to the unseasonable weather. And, I invested in a new bike.
And perhaps that's a bit of my sorrow. Having just got this great end of the year deal, I'm not even close to breaking this in. Hell, I can only think of 1 time that I switched it out of Road mode!
The long, cold, winter nap that is yet to come is a motorcyclist's endurance test. When spring comes, I will be out on the road on the first warm, dry day. We'll shrug off sand season and mud season, and ride like it's our first time again.
Until then, I'll sit by the fire and conspire to travel the globe via Google Earth. I'll travel down some international roadways that I may never get to see. And I'll peruse the pages of the "goodies" catalogs and look for that one last grommet thingie that I don't yet own.
Winter is a good time to purge too, so I will be trying to giveaway or even sell any usable gear that I now longer have a need for. I recently parted with my Mustang Seat, to a good friend who is still riding a cruiser. And I will look over all the old gear to see what needs to go away, or get put up on a shelf, just for the sake of the memories.
Until I see you out again...
A low, slow wave,
Joe (Nein) Rocket
Sunday, September 13, 2015
I ride naked (a new bike, a new me).
Those that know me, since the early days of the Amherst Motorcycle Club, know that I've always favored sporty, fast bikes. I follow MotoGP racing (Misano is on NOW, and I should be watching) and, after 2 sport bikes, I bought a cruiser for the 2008 ride to Sturgis. I really enjoyed Ol' Blue for many years, but lately, I was bored with it. Something was missing. No matter how hard I flogged it, tried riding it in a sporty fashion, it just failed to excite me any longer. I knew it was long overdue to look at something new.
If you read my previous posts, I recently looked at 3 different bikes (Honda, Ducati & Aprilia). I blame the Marketing (and Finance) department of Ducati (now owned by Audi/Volkswagen) for trotting out the 0% financing offer that got me into my local Ducati dealership. Shit, advertising WORKS. After settling on the Ducati Monster 1200, and failing to agree on terms, I opened up my search. One bike that came to my attention was the BMW S1000R. It was featured favorably in many comparisons with the Ducati.
After a visit to the local BMW store on Friday, we agreed to a test ride on Saturday morning. I couldn't sleep, I felt like a kid on Christmas Eve. The bike was a leftover 2015, offered at discount. It had 35 miles on the odometer but was generally unloved, probably due to the color (matte blue). This bike packs in a ton of technology into a svelte 460 lbs of (wet) weight. The list of features is long, but ABS, TC, Dynamic Damping and Cruise Control are just a few of the options on this bike. Hell, I'd have been happy with ABS and a fuel gauge! I was advised to take it for a short, 8-mile ride, so I wouldn't put on excessive miles.
As I rolled out of the lot onto a busy road nearby, I was frustrated by the amount of early morning traffic. I needed to get through this to get to a stretch of road where I could fully test the acceleration. As I was blipping the throttle, I caught the eye of our local m/c police, who ride very nice BMW's themselves. He was going the other way, gave me a look, and I gave him a friendly wave and, if not noticeable, sheepish smile hidden behind my helmet's face shield. In other words, "Yes officer, I'll keep the speed down". What a liar!
After I reached the 101 connector, I was immediately frustrated to be stuck in another line of traffic. UGH! I had go a little further than anticipated, to get the chance to open this bike up a bit. First impression, very quick. Second impression: there's zero wind protection and I was being blown back into my seat. Without a 'shield to displace some of the air coming over the front of the bike, it was like hanging your head out an airplane window.
I put about 20 miles on the bike before returning it. On the return trip, I knew that I was going to buy this bike, if we could make a deal.
You know the drill. Get a value on your trade. Low-ball offer. Misery ensues. We had that discussion, he showed the trade number, I didn't call BS, keeping it civil and wanting to walk out with a new ride. I told the rep that the value I'd been given by the Honda dealer was considerably higher (it was) and if we could bump that trade number a little AND throw in the $300+ windscreen, we might be able to stay friends. One more call to another used bike reseller and he found another $500 of trade value. The screen was added to the deal, gratis, and we shook hands and set a time for delivery.
So, that's how I was able to put the rocket back into Joe Rocket. I'm happy to be riding a new sport bike and will need to learn how all switches and idiot lights work. Here's a few more photos of my new motorcycle (Blue) Gene.
I have to get out and ride now. I'm sure you understand.
A low, slow wave,
Joe Rocket
If you read my previous posts, I recently looked at 3 different bikes (Honda, Ducati & Aprilia). I blame the Marketing (and Finance) department of Ducati (now owned by Audi/Volkswagen) for trotting out the 0% financing offer that got me into my local Ducati dealership. Shit, advertising WORKS. After settling on the Ducati Monster 1200, and failing to agree on terms, I opened up my search. One bike that came to my attention was the BMW S1000R. It was featured favorably in many comparisons with the Ducati.
As I rolled out of the lot onto a busy road nearby, I was frustrated by the amount of early morning traffic. I needed to get through this to get to a stretch of road where I could fully test the acceleration. As I was blipping the throttle, I caught the eye of our local m/c police, who ride very nice BMW's themselves. He was going the other way, gave me a look, and I gave him a friendly wave and, if not noticeable, sheepish smile hidden behind my helmet's face shield. In other words, "Yes officer, I'll keep the speed down". What a liar!
After I reached the 101 connector, I was immediately frustrated to be stuck in another line of traffic. UGH! I had go a little further than anticipated, to get the chance to open this bike up a bit. First impression, very quick. Second impression: there's zero wind protection and I was being blown back into my seat. Without a 'shield to displace some of the air coming over the front of the bike, it was like hanging your head out an airplane window.
I put about 20 miles on the bike before returning it. On the return trip, I knew that I was going to buy this bike, if we could make a deal.
You know the drill. Get a value on your trade. Low-ball offer. Misery ensues. We had that discussion, he showed the trade number, I didn't call BS, keeping it civil and wanting to walk out with a new ride. I told the rep that the value I'd been given by the Honda dealer was considerably higher (it was) and if we could bump that trade number a little AND throw in the $300+ windscreen, we might be able to stay friends. One more call to another used bike reseller and he found another $500 of trade value. The screen was added to the deal, gratis, and we shook hands and set a time for delivery.
So, that's how I was able to put the rocket back into Joe Rocket. I'm happy to be riding a new sport bike and will need to learn how all switches and idiot lights work. Here's a few more photos of my new motorcycle (Blue) Gene.
I have to get out and ride now. I'm sure you understand.
A low, slow wave,
Joe Rocket
Friday, August 21, 2015
Two naked Italians
![]() |
Ducati Monster 1200 S |
Yesterday, I rode the Ducati Monster 1200 and the Aprilia Tuono back to
back. These bikes are similar in some respects but, by design, they ride
very differently.
Something about the matte black Aprilia was a bit hot. Like a stealth bomber, I imagined that this nondescript naked bike would help me fly under the radar of the local and state authorities. I'm invisible! Even if they could not SEE me, they certainly would hear me coming!
The Tuono has a 1000cc V4 engine that likes to rev very high. To make adequate power, you need to keep your wrist pinned and the noise level high. The seat is as comfortable as the granite garden bench we have in the side yard. You don't sink into it at all, and you imagine you are being ridden out of town on a very fast rail.
The dealer insisted that I ride the Duc again. I had ridden it last weekend and had almost written it off as a noisy, Italian money pit. The bright red color also is a traffic stopper. Or a traffic ticket.
After the Aprilia, the spacious and thick cushion of the Ducati felt like a La-Z Boy recliner. You know what they say about the bigger cushion. It's a ride all day sort of bike. The one thing I discovered about the riding dynamics is this: with a twin engine in the Duc, torque is the order of the day. When you blip the throttle in ANY gear, the Duc leaps forward like a Great Dane after a squirrel. It makes prodigious amounts of torque and, if any of you need stumps pulled, come see me in the spring.
Both bikes are good bikes, but with different purposes. The Aprilia is more of a track tool and the Ducati is more of the gentleman hooligan's bike. It's the bike you would have stunted in your 20's, if crashing didn't stunt your riding career.
The dealer is preparing an offer and, the only question left is when? Do I want to make payments all winter? Not so much. Still lots of season left and the Duc is a 2015 model about to be marked down. Let's see what happens next. Worst case? I'm riding a 2016 model next year, tricked out the way I want it.
A low, slow wave,
Joe Rocket
Joe Rocket
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Who butters YOUR bread???
I'm a very lucky guy. I know it, and all the guys I ride with know it. We have a few women who ride with us (or us with them, as the case often is) and I consider them all good riders. Of the guys who ride, I'm the only one whose wife has her own scooter. Now, Mrs. Rocket has a LOT of interests, chief among them, her gardens, her hiking, kayaking, family and her music (she's a wicked awesome trumpet player). But, she likes a good ride and even threatens to ride to work once in a while, if she didn't have to dress so purty and professional at the office.
So, when last weekend looked like the first really good weekend to get out for a ride, she sent me an email from work, stating as such and, "Oh, would you rather go for a ride this Sunday or go for a hike?" When you've been married as long as I have, you KNOW that this is a trick question, with only one correct answer.
So, we hiked along the Maine coastline on Sunday, and had a fine time, just the two of us, like a couple of dating teens. We're still good together, after 30+ years of being together. It's important to find someone who shares your interests.
I'll get my ride in (and a new tattoo) on Saturday and I'll try to spoil her silly on Mother's Day. Someone wiser than me once commented that you should marry the person you're not afraid to sleep with. All these years and I sleep like a baby: a big, fat, snoring baby.
Happy Mother's Day this weekend to all the Moms out there. That includes fellow riders Pinkie, Crumpet, and backseat drivers Marie, Dawn and Carol. And, lest I leave out the non-riders, I'll give a shout out to my sister and sister-in-laws: Ginger, Diane, Christina and Heidi.
A low, slow wave,
Joe Rocket
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Viking Bags - Classic Sissy Bar Bag Review - Long Term Test
Viking Classic Sissy Bar Bag
Long Term Test – Viking Bags Classic Sissy Bar Bag
Can we find a better term than “sissy bar” for the back rest
on the rear of a motorcycle? I like to
think of mine as the “Don’t Leave the Wife Behind When You Accelerate Quickly
Bar”… It has other useful functions as
well, especially when you’re taking a longer trip and need a way to secure all your stuff.
I have an older tour pack that has served me well, bought
second-hand from the Klimas Kollection, but this one had so many features that
I liked that I just had to
To that end, I looked for a bag that I could tour with all
summer long and came up with the Viking Classic bag from Motorcycle House ( There are lots of dealers clamoring for your
hard-earned dollars but these folks have everything you need in one place.
Where to begin? For
starters, it looks like an expensive piece of luggage, with heavy duty leather
and a hard shell. Look at all the straps that come with it! The only thing that’s missing is wheels on
the bottom and a pop-up handle, which no doubt will be on NEXT year’s
model. Seriously, this is tough stuff.
My last bag was Cordura nylon which is good, but not as tough as this
waterproof leather. It feels as rugged
as my Vanson competition riding jacket!
The bag system also comes with a roll bag also made of heavy
leather. This affixes to the top of the
main bag using two of the provided straps.
I won’t use the roll bag day-to-day, but it provides additional volume,
when you need it. There are shoulder
straps to carry this bag, and back pack straps to make carrying the main bag
easy. If you’re dragging all your gear
to a hotel room at the end of a long day in the saddle, this will make that part
of your day a little better.
If you don’t ride in the rain, then you’re not a rider. The bag has a waterproof cover, for those
days when you have to ride through foul weather to get where you’re going. Any biker worth his salt spends more time
riding than polishing. The riders who never cross state lines won’t be looking
into a tour pack system like this anyway.
The main bag zips open from the sides, as I mentioned
above. It also contains an adjustable
shelf unit. I can see how this would be
helpful if you had to carry a wet pair of boots, and didn’t want all your other
stuff to get soaked too. With 4 hook and
loop straps, it divides the main bag into an almost infinite number of
spaces. Inside the bag “doors” are small
mesh pockets, to carry stuff you want quick access to (sunscreen, etc). The outside of the bag is COVERED with
pockets. I’ve got the rain cover
permanently stashed in one, but I have a lot of others to choose from.
When packing a bag this big, remember to keep all the heavy
items low, so as to not affect your Center of Gravity too adversely. The bag mounts securely on a luggage rack or
on the rear seat, if your bike doesn’t have a rack. If you DO have a rack, follow the weight
guidelines and don’t overload it, if you want your gear to arrive at your final
destination along with you!
Here are a few pix I took today after mounting the bag on
the VTX. It looks good!
Tomorrow will be Day 1 of testing and I’ll write again about
my impressions and how the bag holds up to use, sun, bugs and weather. I can’t wait to sling my backpack into the
new bag and get some feedback from the other riders at work. I’m sure they will have something to say!
A low, slow wave,
Joe Rocket
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Push me/First Ride 2015
Sometimes we all need a push. Friend Ken provided that with his enthusiastic text message stating he was liberating his bike from storage this past weekend. After a flurry of messages, we finally connected late on a sunny Saturday and found our way onto a series of twisty back roads that were in surprisingly good condition. Let the games begin!
In other news, after a winter of low activity, I need to hit the gym. I made a halfhearted start earlier this week but am concluding that I need a gym buddy. Someone who won't allow me to quit early, just to head home for dinner or a beer. Hmm.
Any thoughts of getting off this cruiser and onto a sport bike again will need to be met with the discipline to lose the belly that would stand me off that fuel tank. No more chips, no more ice cream. I wanna go #FASTER.
Hope you're doing well and have a riding buddy, gym buddy or other partner who gets you through the not-so-fun parts of life. I'll see you out on the road. I hope you see less of me.
A low, slow wave,
Joe Rocket
Friday, April 10, 2015
Spring comes.....eventually (2015)
Q: What's long and hard, yet fails to make ANYONE happy?
A: Winter in New England.
It's especially difficult for riders to suffer from a prolonged winter. It feels like it's been 6 months of cold and record amounts of snow here. Finally, at last, warmer weather is here. A prolonged spell of above 50 degrees will melt the rest of the white stuff you see above. The mounds of snow piled up by the plow-boy cowboy will remain until the beginning of May, perhaps longer.
We start today, this tenth day in April, with freezing rain. This too shall pass. The forecast is for steadily warmer weather. This weekend will see me roll Ol' Blue out from under his cover, remove the charger and replace the seat to its permanent position. A test ride will blow the cobwebs out, for both of us.
Auto columnist (and all around superb human being) Jean Jennings writes a great column to cagers telling them how to be safe around motorcyclists. Here is that link: Motorcycle Safety
By the same token, we need to be extra alert over these next few months as the dickwad drivers slowly become aware that they share the road with other vehicles. If I seem angry about the topic of distracted driving, it's because I am. Cell phone use in moving vehicles has made the average poor driver into a complete moron. I'm happy to report that the State of New Hampshire has passed a law banning hand-held use of a cell phone, which goes into effect on July 1, 2015. I look forward to strict enforcement of this and only wish there was a way for us, as riders, to turn in the violators we see, on a real-time basis. Wouldn't THAT be grand? Perhaps I could mount a paintball gun on my bike to mark the vehicles of dangerous drivers, as a warning to other riders?
Don't forget to do your maintenance, check your bike thoroughly before heading out. Stop into your local shop and get it looked at. My local dealer provides a great value in their Spring Maintenance plan. In addition to affixing an inspection sticker, they go through the whole bike, inspecting cables, fluids, brake pads and tires, to make sure all is set for a happy season on two wheels. I call it the Peace of Mind service. A visit there also gives me time to look over the new inventory, to see what's changed over the course of a year and to just dream about the next new bike.
I gotta get to work but, I just wanted to say hello again. I know you'll be out soon, or have been out already. It's time to ride. Keep your eyes and ears open, and ride safe.
A low, slow wave,
Joe Rocket
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Youth is wasted on the young...
It's winter, it's cold and I haven't ridden my motorcycle in over a month. I'm starting to have withdrawal symptoms. Here I sit, looking at a map of the United States on Google's mapping tool, planning a cross-country trip. But, not for me.
My son plans to relocate to LA soon and is going to make the big drive across the country. Of course, I'm envious, as I'd like to be riding shotgun or, better yet, following along on my bike. As I sit here, my ankles freezing below my desk, I think about all the possibilities there are on that big map. He could blaze across the interstates and minimize his travel time and expenses or, he could wander the back roads, see the REAL country and meet people along the way. From experience, I know that the second option is the more gratifying one.
Me and Ms. Rocket are just back from a short vacation in Florida. Bad timing weather-wise, but certainly a lot warmer there than here in New England. I saw lots of bikes out and thought about taking some pix but, since I was driving, I didn't have much of an opportunity. Besides, whenever I heard a squid scream by on a sport bike, he was gone before I could even get my phone out of my pocket!
A trip to Florida will surely make one feel old. Several restaurants we stopped at offered senior citizen discounts to anyone aged 55+. Seriously? I know it's just a marketing scheme to drive more people through the door but, personally, I don't consider myself a senior citizen. Hell, I barely consider myself an adult, but accept the fact that I may be considered middle-aged, whatever the hell that means these days. What happened to "60 is the new 30"?
I was fortunate enough early on in my career to get to travel to some great locations. I always tried to get a fun rental car and make the most of every visit. There are so many places that I'd love to revisit: Duluth, MN, Lynchburg, VA, South Bend, IN, Phoeniz, AZ, just to name a few. Some of the places I visited for work became vacation destinations for us, like Nova Scotia. I could go there again and again, and not only in the summer. Halifax is a great city and I have even been to Cape Breton in the midst of a blizzard! So much fun on that trip. I was young and my liver was strong then.
All this talk of traveling has got me wanting to peruse a real (paper) map and start planning. I think a few road trips are in order this year. So, let the daydreaming begin. As my fellow rider Ken B says, you have to put a stake in the ground. I'll do some map reading over the next month or so and try to fit a year's worth of riding into a few sunny months. All right my friends, I hope you are well and inspired to dream a little before the season is upon again soon.
A low, slow wave,
Joe Rocket
Monday, August 11, 2014
Here's the 60-second video review of the Alpinestars S-MX 1 motorcycle boot
The written review follows below, but the team at Motorcycle House wanted some video content. Go to their site for a full line of motorcycle gear and accessories. Ask for Dewayne Jasper. Tell him I sent you!
A low, slow wave,
"Joe" Rocket
The written review follows below, but the team at Motorcycle House wanted some video content. Go to their site for a full line of motorcycle gear and accessories. Ask for Dewayne Jasper. Tell him I sent you!
A low, slow wave,
"Joe" Rocket
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Upgrade your motorcycle gear! Mid-season boot review.
Every time I get into a new car these days, I notice how
much is changed or improved over the car I've been (until now) so happy
with. Besides that “new car smell”,
there are tons of advancements, from electronics to power increases. The same
is true of motorcycle gear. It gets better every year.
I've had a
pair of Alpinestars boots for about 2 years and they've been great. Alpinestars is a company that knows riders and how to
make great products for them. I've never been unhappy with the older pair, that
is, until I got this upgrade. It's like
stepping out of a Toyota and into a Mercedes-Benz. I got this new pair of boots from Motorcycle House.

The Alpinestars
S-MX 1 boots have a full zipper on the inside of each shoe that allows easy
entry. The strap across the front
ensures a comfortable fit.

Like many of you, I ride to work when I can, and the choice
of shoe is important from the standpoint that I have to wear these all day and
not stand out too much to the management team.
I wore these just this past week on a hot day and found them to be ALL
DAY COMFORTABLE. On my ride home, I
enjoyed the cooling air that the fabric front allowed to circulate through the
These boots look great, are purpose-built and are comfortable to
wear all day long. I almost forgot to
mention the small heel is perfect for hanging off your pegs to give your legs a
bit of a rest on a longer ride. As
always, Alpinestars raises the bar for riding gear. These are a great value for anyone looking
for a comfortable riding boot, but who may not need the protection of a taller
Enjoy the second half of the season. A little more heat still to come and then on to much cooler weather.
A low, slow wave,
Joe Rocket
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